Monday, May 01, 2006

Endsems !

We just had our endsems in the last week ... and I must say, exam time is really the busiest time in our semester ! Simply because rest of the semester we are not forced to do anything, everything is left to us ... but come the time of exams ... and we have to put in those extra hours of study ... to compensate for everything that we missed out on during the semester. But I tell you, this is also the most enjoyable time in the whole sem, in a way.

First of all, we are forced to go through all the books in this period ... and hence the satisfaction of having learnt something new - unfortunately, almost everytime, we end up realising that we should have studied throughout the semester as there were so many things to learn ... hope I really correct that and study our courses seriously all through the semester - some time here !
Secondly, I feel this is the time we friends really come together - be it for notes, fundae, whatever - but I personally like to study together and exam time is probably the only time we do that here in IIT ! During exams it is a different atmosphere in the hostels. People running around looking for books, coming to friends rooms for fundae, etc etc. The lukkha time also probably increases during exams ... with movies everyday (some friends, not me!) and what not ! Night-outs become very common ... supplemented by night tea and late night gossips - it is very much enjoyable.

Then come the exams finally ... and this sem we experienced some really tough ones. The papers were challenging, really requiring us to scratch our heads to solve some problems ... and this was a general trend in all departments I suppose. Sometimes I feel though we are fortunate to be in an institute like IIT, because of which we get papers and examinations which really test us ! Outside colleges, I doubt if that ever happens ! It is in some sense enjoyable to have a good paper where you have to think a lot, but finally after the paper is over, you have hardly scored anything !

Anyways, the endsems are over now and our results will be out soon ! I am not sure what grades I am going to get this sem ... hope they are reasonable !


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